Sunday, April 29, 2007

my really wished marriage


Happy Joy for the day I wear my white kebaya
No stop thanking to everyone who came
Never stop smiling till’ the sauce fell into my skirt
Looking your bright smile
Enjoying your laugh,while grandma sang a song
Do not want to end this time
Share the seat together on throne
Thank God no food and no guests anymore
Entering our new bedroom
Remember our religion teacher’s advice
Do not forget to pray before do the most unforgettable thing
23.59 o’clock time to sleep
Never have the sweetest dream in life
Lil’ bit confused is this a dream or reality?
I can say it is a dream comes true
Sun shines so brightly
Wakes me up and makes me realize
2 cups of tea on the table next my bed
He smile and say “good morning Sunshine”
I laugh we laugh can’t stop laugh
And then we sleep again..

+ April 27th,2007 wondering that sweet time+

1 comment:

pelangisetengahbundar said...

duuh b.inggris gw jelek banget yaahh??:(